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LogoGoogle Calendar Integration Development Guide

Add white-label customer-facing integration with Google Calendar into your app with just a few lines of code.

How to set up Google Calendar OAuth application and get your Client ID and Client Secret

Create Google Developers Console Account and Project

  • Go to the Google API Console.
  • Create a new project (if you haven't already) by clicking on the "Select a project" drop down menu and selecting “New project”.
  • Go to the 'Library' section in the Google Developers Console and add necessary API’s from the Library (Google Calendar API)

In case you'd rather follow the official Google documentation, you can find it here.

Generate Credentials

Navigation Menu -> APIs & Services -> 'Credentials'

Create 'OAuth Client ID' credentials to gain access to your enabled APIs:

  • Application type: Web application
  • Name: Your internal name
  • Add Authorised redirect URIs:
  • Click "CREATE"

Configure the OAuth application

Navigation Menu -> APIs & Services -> OAuth Consent Screen

  • Choose the User Type = external (you can find more information about User Types here)

OAuth Consent Screen Section -> App Information

Provide the following information:

  • Enter Your Application Name.
  • User Support Email.
  • Add Your App Logo.

Providing this information in the OAuth consent screen is crucial for users to comprehend and trust your application throughout the consent process. Ensure precise details and branding elements are included to facilitate a seamless user experience.

OAuth consent screen section -> App Domain

Provide the following information under the App Domain section:

  • Application Homepage URL: Add the URL for your application's homepage. It should be a true homepage and not just a 'login' page.

  • Application Privacy Policy Link: Include a link to your application's Privacy Policy. Important: Your Privacy Policy must adhere to Google's specific requirements, particularly from the 'Limited Use' section of the provided document.

  • Application Terms of Service Link.

OAuth consent screen section -> Authorized Domains

  • Add your app domain utilized in your Google Project. To be able to put your organization domain into the “Authorized domain” field, have it go through the Google Search console (to make sure it’s authorized and follow the authorization process in case it’s not authorized yet).

OAuth consent screen section -> Developer Contact Information

  • Enter an Email Address: Provide an email address for developer contact information. Important: This should be a distribution list email address, ensuring all relevant parties receive Google Verification-related emails and notifications about any changes to your project. Keep this distribution list up-to-date as team members come and go.

Scopes section

Add the following scopes:


Note that if you want your app to be accessible to other users outside of your organization, you may want to submit it for review. You can find more information about the process here