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Basecamp API Integration Profile

Information and guides about integrating with Basecamp API

Add Basecamp Integration to Your App


To create a development account and OAuth application in Basecamp, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Basecamp Account:

    • Go to the Basecamp website at
    • Click on the "Try it for free" button to create a new account.
    • Fill in the required information and complete the registration process.
  2. Access Developer Tools:

  3. Create an OAuth Application and Fill Application Details:

    • Click on the "Register another application" button.
    • In the "New Application" form, provide the following details:
      • Name of your application: Enter a name for your application.
      • Your company’s name: Enter a name of your company.
      • Your website URL: Enter a URL of your company's website.
      • Products: Choose the products that your company use.
      • Redirect URI:
  4. Save and Get Credentials:

    • Click on the "Register this app" button to create the OAuth application.
    • After saving, you'll be redirected to the application details page.
    • In the application details page, you'll find your Client ID and Client Secret.
  5. Configure the app parameters in the platform:

    • Add the Basecamp app from store in the console
    • Click Configure & Test
    • In the Parameters section, select a Use custom parameters toggle / Edit Parameters
    • Put the the Application (client) ID into Client Id and the app secret into the Client Secret
    • Add scopes your application requires to be functional

Remember to keep your Client Secret secure and never expose it publicly.

That's it! You have successfully created a development account and OAuth application in Basecamp.


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