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Copper API Integration Profile

Information and guides about integrating with Copper API

Add Copper Integration to Your App
  • Fetch Account Details

    Fetch Account Details

  • Fetch User by ID

    Fetch User by ID

  • List Users


    You can include the following parameters in a search request.

    Required Parameters
    Optional Parameters
    page_numbernumberThe page number (starting with 1) that you would like to view.1
    page_sizenumberThe number of entries included in a page of results20
  • Fetch a Lead by ID

    Fetch a Lead by ID

  • Update a Lead

    Updates are only applied to fields explicitly specified in the request body. For example, if an update request is made with an empty body, no updates will be made. To remove the value from a field, the request body must specify the target field value as 'null'.

  • Delete a Lead

    This request permanently removes a Lead from your Copper account.

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