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MS Dynamics CRM API Integration Profile

Information and guides about integrating with MS Dynamics CRM API

Add MS Dynamics CRM Integration to Your App


To create a development account and OAuth application in Microsoft Dynamics 365, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a Microsoft Developer Program:

    • Request access to the MS developer program and get a dev account here
  2. Create an OAuth Application:

    • Follow the steps outlined in this guide to create an application registration and get an Application (client) ID
    • Make sure the Redirect URI is set to https://api.integration.app/oauth-callback
    • Generate a client secret and save it for later use:
      • Go to the Certificates & secrets section
      • Select New client secret
      • Save it somewhere safe (it's shown only once)
  3. Use the OAuth Application:

    • Add the Microsoft Dynamics app from store in the integration.app console
    • Click Configure & Test
    • In the Parameters section, select a Use custom parameters toggle / Edit Parameters
    • Put the the Application (client) ID into Client Id and the app secret into the Client Secret
    • Add scopes your application requires to be functional


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