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LogoConfluence integration connector

Add white-label customer-facing integration with Confluence into your app with just a few lines of code.

Managed authentication

Connect your customer accounts in Confluence without researching its API, registering in a developer program, and getting your application approved. We take care of authentication, secure credentials storage, and token refreshes so you don't have to.

Just one line of code for you and one click for your customers:


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Execute Confluence operations on behalf of your customers

Get information about available operations in a consistent way: name, description, input, output. Run operations using simple consistent API.

Read more about operations

Check site access for a list of emails

Returns the list of emails from the input list that do not have access to site.

Permissions required: Permission to access the Confluence site ('Can use' global permission)...

Convert content ids to content types

Converts a list of content ids into their associated content types. This is useful for users migrating from v1 to v2 who may have stored just content ids without their associated type. This will return types as they should be used in v2...

Create content property for attachment

Creates a new content property for an attachment.

Permissions required: Permission to update the attachment.

Create blog post

Creates a new blog post in the space specified by the spaceId.

By default this will create the blog post as a non-draft, unless the status is specified as draft. If creating a non-draft, the title must not be empty...

Create content property for blog post

Creates a new property for a blogpost.

Permissions required: Permission to update the blog post.

Create content property for comment

Creates a new content property for a comment.

Permissions required: Permission to update the comment.

Work with Confluence data collections

Read and write data, get custom fields schema, and react to changes in Confluence data.

Read more about working with data collections

ListFind by IDMatchCreateUpdateDelete

Trigger integrations on Confluence events

React to events in the external app. Receive changes in data regardless of whether webhooks are supported or not.

Read more about working with events

Data Record Created

Data Record Updated

Data Record Deleted