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Integration Engine

Develop and run your customer-facing integration on top of a world-class headless integration engine.


Meet Integration Engine

Integration Engine is an API-first and fully customizable service that runs integrations between your app and external apps.

It provides abstractions (such as auth, data flows, field mappings), runtime, and state storage for all the integration-related things.

Your app

Meet Integration EngineMeet Integration Engine
Meet Integration Engine

Add connectors to external apps

Our integration network has ~1500 pre-built connectors and integration-focused information on thousands more apps. And you can always create more connectors using connector builder.

Your app

Add connectors to external apps
Add connectors to external apps
Add connectors to external apps

Build integration scenarios and interfaces

Define how you want your app to interact with other apps. Start with pre-build scenarios or build your own out of lower-level components such as actions, events, flows, field mappings, etc.

Besides, you can always run custom code to tune the engine to your exact needs. Learn more: Integration Blueprints.

Build integration scenarios

Your app

Build integration scenarios

Scale similar integrations to multiple external apps

Our Universal Integrations framework lets you define a single integration template and apply it to many external apps.

After application-specific integration was generated, you or your customers can further customize it. Integration engine will keep multiple layers of integrations in sync.

Your app

Scale blueprints to multiple applications
Scale blueprints to multiple applications

Build integration experiences using SDKs, UI components, and embeddable tools from our ecosystem

Whether you want to implement a simple one-click integration, a complex workflow builder, or an integration marketplace, our integration framework supports all of these options.

Your app

Build integration experiences
Build integration experiences
Build integration experiences

Your app

Build integration experiences
  • IconOne-click Integrations
  • IconIn-app Integration Marketplace
  • IconIn-app Workflow Builder
  • IconBi-directional Data Sync
  • IconAI Agent

Deploy integrations to your customers

To run integrations for your customers, you first create a connection to external app on behalf of your customer and then deploy integration blueprints to that connection.

You can also deploy ad-hoc integration logic without using blueprints.

Your app

Deploy integrations for your customersDeploy integrations for your customers
Deploy integrations for your customers

Monitor and troubleshoot

Integration engine provides full transparency into what happens with your integrations.

You can read detailed logs, get updates when something breaks, and send all of this to your existing monitoring infrastructure.

Your app

Monitor and troubleshoot
Monitor and troubleshoot

Supercharge your product integrations today