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Integration App vs Tray Embedded

Integration App

Integration App

API-first engine.
Universal Integrations.


Tray Embedded

Tray Embedded

UI-first workflow builder.
One integration at a time.

Universal Integrations

Build integration scenario once and automatically apply it to all the relevant apps. Do not repeat yourself and keep your integrations manageable.

Universal Integrations

Single-app Integrations

Build each scenario for each application one by one. Not sustainable if you want to build more than a few integrations.

Single-app Integrations

Pre-built or fully custom end-user Ul

We offer a library of pre-built UI components and headless API that lets you build fully custom UI without using any of our HTML or styles.

Pre-built or fully custom end-user Ul

Pre-built Ul only

Tray Embedded offers pre-build UI in an iframe. It will never look and feel like a part of your app.

Pre-built Ul only

API-first development. Ul on top of it

Everything you can do with our engine you can do via API. Just check our API reference.

API-first development

UI-first development. Limited API

You have to build and configure integrations via Ul. There is no API access to integration blueprints or customer configurations.

UI-first development

No Vendor Lock-in

Connectors, integrations, user configurations, and credentials are fully available and exportable. You fully own your integrations, in case you decide to switch.

Full vendor lock

There is no way to export integrations you've built from Tray Embedded. If you decide to switch, you will have to reimplement all of your integrations.

Detailed Feature Comparison

Non-developer Support

Low-Code/No-Code Support

Integration App logoIntegration AppDrag-and-drop workflow builder or YAML editor
Tray EmbeddedDrag-and-drop workflow builder

Developer Support

Rest API

Integration App logoIntegration AppAPI-first: Full access to all functionality
Tray EmbeddedLimited to user and authentication functionality

On-premise option

(run on your own infrastructure)

Tray Embedded

End-user Ul

Integration App logoIntegration AppIframe with custom styles, React components, or fully custom UI
Tray EmbeddedIframe with custom styles


Connector Library

Tray Embedded~450

Custom Connectors

Integration App logoIntegration AppFully supported (full-access to any API operations, trigger, custom fields)
Tray EmbeddedPartially supported (Auth, operations, pass-through API only)
Integration App logoIntegration AppTray Embedded

Non-developer Support

Low-Code/No-Code Support

Drag-and-drop workflow builder or YAML editorDrag-and-drop workflow builder

Developer Support

Rest API

API-first: Full access to all functionalityLimited to user and authentication functionality

On-premise option

(run on your own infrastructure)

End-user Ul

Iframe with custom styles, React components, or fully custom UIIframe with custom styles


Connector Library


Custom Connectors

Fully supported (full-access to any API operations, trigger, custom fields)Partially supported (Auth, operations, pass-through API only)

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Discover why Integration.app is the preferred choice over Tray

Key Metrics
Customer Satisfaction
23 Reviews
155 Reviews
Primary Market FocusSmall-Business (82.6% of reviews)Mid-Market (55.3% of reviews)
Starting Price PointFree Trial Per MonthContact Us Per Month
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