Import From External App
Let your users navigate data in external app: files, people, companies, etc.
In-App Workflow Builder
Let your users build custom automation / integration workflows right inside your app.
Just-In-Time Integrations
Create a catalog of hundreds of integrations you can ship to your customers with a predictable lead time (1-2 weeks).
Import all of your new customer's data from another application. Simplify migration and streamline onboarding experience.
One-Click Integrations
Let your customers enable integrations in one click - and then configure if they want to. Build integration blueprints that work across multiple customers and multiple applications, add customization options, and deploy the integrations at scale.
Push Data to External Apps
Let your users navigate data in external app: files, people, companies, etc.
Realtime Data Sync
Import all the data of a given type from an external app and keep it in sync.