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Xero API Integration Profile

Information and guides about integrating with Xero API

Add Xero Integration to Your App

Test Account

Creating a test account in Xero typically involves setting up a Demo Company within your Xero Developer account. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to Xero

  1. Go to the Xero Login Page.
  2. Log in with your Xero Developer account credentials.

Step 2: Access the Demo Company

  1. Once logged in, go to the main Xero dashboard.
  2. If you do not already have access to a company, click on My Xero or navigate directly to My Xero.
  3. Look for the Demo Company (AU, NZ, US, or Global) option:
    • This is a preconfigured account with sample data for testing and experimentation.

Step 3: Activate the Demo Company

  1. If prompted, agree to the terms to activate the Demo Company.
  2. Once activated, you'll have access to sample financial data and can test various Xero features and API integrations.

Step 4: Use the Demo Company for API Testing

  1. Connect your Xero Developer app to the Demo Company via OAuth 2.0.
  2. Perform read and write operations on the sample data to ensure your integration works correctly without affecting real data.


  • The Demo Company data is periodically reset, so avoid relying on it for long-term testing.
  • If your integration requires extended testing, consider creating a trial Xero account or working with a live organization you set up specifically for testing.

Let me know if you need guidance on linking the Demo Company to your Xero Developer app!

API Access

Step 1: Create a Xero Developer Account

  1. Visit the Xero Developer Portal.
  2. Click on “Sign Up”.
  3. Use your email address to create a new account or log in with an existing Xero account.

Step 2: Create an OAuth App

  1. Once logged in, navigate to the My Apps section of the Developer Portal.
  2. Click on “New app”.
  3. Fill out the app creation form:
    • App Name: Choose a unique name for your app.
    • Integration Type: Select “OAuth 2.0”.
    • Company or App URL: Provide a URL (can be your website or app-related page).
    • Redirect URI: Redirect URL provided on the app's page in your workspace.
  4. Click Create App to finalize the setup.

Step 3: Get Your OAuth App Credentials

  1. Once your app is created, you’ll be redirected to the app details page.
  2. Locate the Client ID and Client Secret. These are essential for OAuth authentication:
    • The Client ID identifies your app to Xero’s API.
    • The Client Secret is used to authenticate requests (keep it secure and confidential).

Step 4: Configure Scopes and Authentication

Review the scopes needed for your application (e.g., accounting.transactions, projects, etc.).

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